40+ Years of Experience. Superior Nationwide Solutions

24/7/365 Live Phone Coverage
No matter what business you are in, it is critical that the answering service you use has the experience and tools that are needed to fulfill your communication needs. Whether you need professional scheduling, order taking, customer service, help desk or answering services, Parkway Message Center has you covered. We provide 24-hour virtual receptionists and customer service representatives to help your business stay connected to your customers and to each other. Contact Parkway Message Center today and see how we can customize a solution for your business.
Enhance Customer Relations
It is estimated that as much as 85% of callers will not leave a voicemail message when they reach a digital answering machine. How many more leads and customers would you gain if you were able to reach even half those calls? Do not compromise customer service and call quality because of limited hands. With our live call center service and inbound answering service solutions we can enhance customer relations that were previously not possible to attain.
Discover how our receptionists can give you peace of mind 24×7. We’re not just a live answering service—we are an extension of your firm and we’ll give your clients a first class customer service experience.


Parkway Message Center offers the very best services for any size business such as virtual receptionist, medical answering service, wake-up calls, auto attendant and voice mail 24-hours a day.
- Auto Attendant and Voice Mail
- Customer Service
- Medical Answering Service
- Order Taking
- Schedule your Appointments Online
- Virtual Receptionist
- Voice Mail
- Wake-Up Call